918 research outputs found

    Fracture Energy Method for Determining Stiffness in Polymer Modified Asphalt Binders Using the Single Edge Notched Beam

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    Transverse cracking is a prevalent problem that occurs in asphalt pavement binders in cold climates and diminishes the integrity of the road as well as shortens the life span of the road leading to premature failure. Current specification for testing asphalt pavement binders for transverse cracking fails to accurately model the behavior of modified asphalt binders because it does not take into account the effects of physical hardening. Furthermore, current specification, which employs the use of the bending beam rheometer (BBR) and direct tension tests, was developed through the use of unmodified asphalt pavement binders and so it does not accurately model the behavior of modified asphalt pavement binders at colder temperatures. This study sought to come up with a new specification criterion for testing for transverse cracking as well as modeling the behavior of modified asphalt pavement binders at colder temperatures. This was achieved by the fracture energy method through the use of a single edge notched beam (SENB). The results showed that the fracture energy method proved to be an effective tool for modeling the behavior of modified asphalt pavement binders. However, when comparing the stiffness calculated from the SENB with that of the BBR we found that the stiffness in the SENB was much higher than that of the BBR. The increase in stiffness could very well be attributed to the differences in the way the samples are tested. Further research is necessary to come up with a way to compare the stiffness calculated from the SENB with that of the BBR before the fracture energy method can replace the BBR method


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    Introduction: Wildfire suppression is characterized by high total energy expenditures and water turnover rates. Hydration position stands outline hourly fluid intake rates. However, dose interval remains ambiguous. We aimed to determine the effects of micro- and bolus-dosing water (MW, BW) or carbohydrate-electrolyte (MCE, BCE) solutions on fluid balance, heat stress, and carbohydrate oxidation during extended thermal exercise. Methods: Males (n=12), in a repeated measures cross-over design, completed 4, 120-minute treadmill trials (1.3 m.s-1, 5% grade, 33°C, 30%RH) wearing a USFS uniform and 15kg pack. Fluid delivery approximated losses calculated from a pre-experiment familiarization trial, providing 22 doses.h-1 or 1 dose.h-1 (46±11,1005±245 ml.dose-1). Body weight (pre-, post-exercise) and urine volume (pre-, during, post-exercise) were recorded. Heart rate, rectal temperature, skin temperature, and steady state expired air samples were recorded throughout exercise. Differences were determined via repeated measures ANOVA’s with statistical significance set at p\u3c0.05. Results: Total body weight loss (n=11, -0.6±0.3 kg, p\u3e0.05) and cumulative urine output (n=11, 677±440 ml, p\u3e0.05) were not different across trials. Exercise sweat rate was lower in the MCE trial than the BCE, BW, and MW trials (n=11, 0.86±0.22, 0.93±0.21, 0.91±0.23, 0.89±0.22 ml, respectively, p\u3c0.05). PSI was lower at minute 60 than 120 (3.6±0.7, 4.5±0.9, p\u3c0.05), with no differences across trials. Carbohydrate oxidation was higher in the CE trials than the W trials (1.5±0.3, 0.8±0.2, g.min-1, p\u3c0.05), with no differences between identical composition dosing styles. Conclusions: Varied fluid delivery schedules of equal volume did not affect fluid balance, PSI, and carbohydrate oxidation during extended thermal work

    Plan de mejora de la seguridad de la información del Seguro Social de Salud – EsSalud aplicando estándar ISO/IEC 27001

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    El Seguro Social de Salud – EsSalud es una entidad peruana prestadora de servicios de salud y seguridad social la cual, con el transcurso de tiempo, está obteniendo demasiados problemas en seguridad de la información: recuperación y respaldo de información, comunicaciones y redes, contingencia y mitigación son las principales causas que impiden una correcta gestión de la seguridad de la información. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es demostrar la importancia de una correcta administración de la seguridad de la información en entidades públicas peruanas. Para ello, se desarrollará un Plan de Seguridad de la Información en una entidad pública usando el estándar ISO 27001: Seguridad de la Información. En este caso, se desarrollará un Plan de Seguridad de la Información en el Hospital Víctor Lazarte Echegaray de Trujillo, perteneciente a la Red Asistencial La Libertad. Para lograr el éxito de este estudio, se reunirá la información requerida y evidencias para el diseño del presente Plan.Seguro Social de Salud – EsSalud is a Peruvian’s health public body, that over time is getting too many troubles in terms of information security: data recovering and backup. Communication and networking, contingency and mitigation are the main agents attempting infringe against information security in different ways. The main purpose of this thesis is demonstrating why information security management in Peruvian’s public sector is important. Thus, it will develop an Information Security Plan in a health public entity using ISO 27001 standard: Information Security. In this case, an Information Security Plan was developed in hospital Victor Lazarte Echegaray Hospital of Trujillo, located in La Libertad department. To assure the success of this thesis, we will gather required information and evidences to support our sources, design, implement and run of this Plan.Tesi

    Redes e Internet de alta velocidad - Rendimiento y calidad de servicio. Segunda edición

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    The book presents the treatment of advanced topics in computer networks - mainly in those of high speed - which the designer or the network manager necessarily needs to know. These topics relate to multimedia traffic support, real time traffic, and congestion control as well as the needs of providing different levels of quiality of service (QoS) according to the applications and users.Facultad de Informátic

    Comparing performance on chaos control via adaptive output-feedback

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    "Performance of four controllers is experimentally compared and evaluated in context of chaos suppression. Four output-feedback controllers are used in experi- ments for comparison. First three schemes utilize an adaptive observer to estimate the states and parameter required for feeding back and with different techniques, which are: (i) feedback linearization, (ii) backstepping, and (iii) sliding mode. The fourth scheme is a (low-parameterized) robust adaptive feedback. A simple class of dynamical systems that exhibit chaotic behavior, called P-class, is considered as benchmark due to involves distinct chaotic systems. The need of comparison is motivated to ask: What is the suitable adaptive scheme to suppress chaos in an specific implementation? Results show a trend on different applications, are illustrated experimentally by means circuits, and are discussed in terms of control effort. This comparative study is important to select a feedback scheme in specific implementations; for example, synchronization of complex networks.

    Handling Imbalanced Classification Problems With Support Vector Machines via Evolutionary Bilevel Optimization

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    Support vector machines (SVMs) are popular learning algorithms to deal with binary classification problems. They traditionally assume equal misclassification costs for each class; however, real-world problems may have an uneven class distribution. This article introduces EBCS-SVM: evolutionary bilevel cost-sensitive SVMs. EBCS-SVM handles imbalanced classification problems by simultaneously learning the support vectors and optimizing the SVM hyperparameters, which comprise the kernel parameter and misclassification costs. The resulting optimization problem is a bilevel problem, where the lower level determines the support vectors and the upper level the hyperparameters. This optimization problem is solved using an evolutionary algorithm (EA) at the upper level and sequential minimal optimization (SMO) at the lower level. These two methods work in a nested fashion, that is, the optimal support vectors help guide the search of the hyperparameters, and the lower level is initialized based on previous successful solutions. The proposed method is assessed using 70 datasets of imbalanced classification and compared with several state-of-the-art methods. The experimental results, supported by a Bayesian test, provided evidence of the effectiveness of EBCS-SVM when working with highly imbalanced datasets.Comment: Copyright 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Finanzas: Costo de capital de Nicapapel, S.A

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    El Costo de Capital se define como una herramienta fundamental al momento de llevar cabo una inversión, es por eso que la empresa NICAPAPEL, S.A. está haciendo uso de esta herramienta financiera para obtener una fuente de financiamiento que le permita llevar a cabo el proyecto de inversión que pretende ejecutar ya que no cuenta con el capital suficiente para hacerle frente a esta inversión. Se procederá a evaluar las fuentes disponibles de fondos a largo plazo, porque tales fuentes suministrarán el financiamiento que la empresa requiere para apoyar las actividades de elaboración del presupuesto de capital, el proceso de evaluación y selección de inversiones a largo plazo. Este método le permite a la empresa obtener una fuente de financiamiento, reducir costo de deuda y aumentar su liquidez. El trabajo se da en una visión más clara y precisa en cuanto al desarrollo y aplicación didáctica de este tema. El trabajo consta de cuatro acápites: El primer acápite aborda las generalidades del Costo de Capital tomando en cuenta las bases fundamentales de las finanzas que nos permitirá conocer en teoría cada uno de los términos que se aplican en los acápites siguientes. El segundo acápite contiene los factores que afectan la aplicación del costo del capital si no se toman en cuenta las medidas necesarias para determinarlo. Dentro de cada uno de ellos existen condiciones que deben cumplirse para que el proyecto en curso no sea afectado. El tercer acápite muestra el costo que la empresa tiene que pagar al momento de emitir dividendos, para poder financiar los costos del proyecto. Lo cual sólo será posible actualizando el valor actual de los dividendos en mercado financiero. El cuarto acápite muestra los criterios que deben seguirse al realizar el proyecto de inversión, el costo que incurre la empresa al momento de financiar la inversión a partir de capital propio y por último se aborda costo que genera un préstamo bancario contraído con una entidad financiera a largo plazo. El trabajo concluye con un caso práctico aplicado a la empresa NICAPAPEL, S.A. en el cual se toman en cuenta todos los criterios relacionados en cada uno de los acápites abordados, asimismo se aplican todas las técnicas que el ejercicio requiere para una mayor compresión del tema. Es difícil definir en materia de Finanzas todos los factores que en un proyecto se involucran, puesto que la realidad está muy alejada de la teoría científica, ya que muchas veces son los hechos los que cuentan en un trabajo científico

    Centro de servicios sociales y culturales de la Asociación de Vivienda Racuana en el distrito de Ate Vitarte

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    El tema planteado es un proyecto arquitectónico, de un Centro de servicios sociales y culturales de la asociación de vivienda Raucana en el distrito de Ate Virarte, ubicado en la av. Alfonso Ugarte, al lado del Parque municipal Raucana. Está delimitado en el campo urbano arquitectónico, específicamente en el sector socio cultural y busca lograr un hito que identifique a la población y logre promover actividades y se trasforme en un referente del distrito. Asimismo, busca solucionar la falta de infraestructura adecuada para servicios sociales en el distrito de Ate Vitarte, generando espacios pensados para un intercambio social y cultural. Además, el proyecto albergará actividades de índice cultural como talleres culturales de servicio a la comunidad, exposiciones temporales, un anfiteatro y salas de usos múltiples. Estará́ diseñado cumpliendo estrictamente la normatividad de la zona de estudio